Ultimate Guide on How to Bathe a Cat

Cats are known for their grooming habits and for cleaning themselves with the help of their tongue. This is why, as cat owners, you don’t need to worry too much about things like how often should you bathe your indoor cat or how to bathe an aggressive cat.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that sometimes, you might still need to. Though they don’t require cleaning as often as dogs, an occasional bath or wipe down of your kitty is still necessary.

You never know when your feline pet has picked up some parasites or insects from the dirt they are covered in or what their smell could indicate. This is why the occasional bath is helpful. And if you have a longer-haired breed or an older cat, then washing should be more frequent.

This is because older cats are not as equipped to clean themselves as younger ones due to a lack of energy. The long-haired cats are more prone to dirt and smell, making a bath every now and then necessary.

However, before you take your cat to the tub, you might have a few questions. This guide will likely answer all of them and also give you a rundown on how to wash a cat without cat shampoo, how to bathe an aggressive cat, and one who hates water.

So, without further ado, here’s everything you must know about grooming and washing your feline friend.

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How to Bathe an Aggressive Cat

Although there are some cats that enjoy taking baths, there are others that don’t. Baths with them can often result in a plethora of scratches, growls, and bites.  However, it does not necessarily have to.

If you had been wondering how to bathe a cat that hates water, then there are specific steps you can follow to do so while keeping yourself and your pet calm successfully.

Keep in mind that preparing beforehand and having an extra pair of helping hands are necessary for bathe an aggressive cat.

Step 1: Gather Everything You Need

When bathing an aggressive cat, you should remember to gather all your materials beforehand. This is because you want to keep the process as quick and short as possible. Your cat will be looking for every opportunity to escape, so you cannot leave them alone or unattended.

This is why you should gather everything and keep them ready, including shampoo, dry towel, and washcloth. You should also keep a pair of rubber gloves to wear while bathing your aggressive cat since that can prevent scratches.

Step 2: Clip Their Claws and Brush Their Fur

You should be doing this before bathing any type of cat. However, it becomes absolutely necessary to clip their claws if you have an aggressive cat. Simply wearing gloves will likely not be enough to protect your hands from scratches. You can do this yourself or have a groomer trim them for you.

Additionally, before bathing them, you should brush their hair thoroughly. This will help remove any dirt, debris, extra hair, and also detangle their fur. This is an excellent thing to do before bath time as it will also calm your cat down.

how to prepare a cat for bath
how to prepare a cat for a bath

Step 3: Prepare the Bath

Whether you plan to bathe your cat in a sink or tub, make sure that it is filled with lukewarm water. This would be the perfect temperature for the cat; otherwise, too hot or too cold water will shock your cat and frighten them even more.

Moreover, you should also ensure that you have someone to help you from this point who can make your cat feel comfortable and control them if need be.

Step 4: Apply Cat Shampoo Gently

After you have sufficiently bathed the cat in the water and the fur is wet, it is time to apply the shampoo. One person should be holding the cat in place while the other applies the shampoo.

Gently massage the shampoo in their fur for a couple of minutes. If your cat’s fur is too thick or long, then you should dilute the shampoo in some water. It should be one part shampoo and five parts water.

When applying shampoo, you must ensure that it does not get into the cat’s eyes, mouth, or ears. Use a damp washcloth to wipe down the face.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Again, you should ensure that the water or shampoo is not getting into the cat’s eyes or ears. When washing, you should gently push the water and shampoo away from the direction of the hair growth. This eliminates all the extra shampoo, water, and dirt particles that are removed from the fur.

Take your time when you rinse your cat to ensure that all of the soap is thoroughly removed. Otherwise, it can leave your cat’s skin irritated and scratchy. Shampoo and soap residue can also often be sticky, which means that more dirt particles might be prone to stick to it.

Step 6: Wrap Your Cat in a Big Dry Towel

Once you are done rinsing, remove excess water from your cat’s fur with your hand. Then, transfer them on a big and dry towel. Wrap your cat in the towel. The towel should be tight enough to keep them from escaping, but not too tight either so that they can easily breathe.

dry your cat with a towel after bath
dry your cat with a towel after a bath

You should keep your cat in the towel for a couple of minutes to dry out all of the water.

Step 7: Brush Your Cat

Lastly, you should brush your cat’s hair. This can speed up the drying process. You should also ensure that your cat is in a dry and warm room so that they can dry themselves quicker.

You can also use a hairdryer to speed up the process, but keep it at the lowest setting so as not to burn their sensitive skin. 

Once done, your cat will likely not be happy with the entire process. This is why it might be a good idea to reward them with a few treats for getting through the experience.

Tips to Remember When Bathing Cats

Whether you want to know how to bathe an aggressive cat or wondering what you should keep in mind the next time you give your feline pet a bath, here are some helpful tips for any cat owner:

  • Determine whether your cat really needs to be washed since most cats clean themselves and don’t require regular bathing
  • Reassure your cat by talking to them throughout the bathing process
  • Before using a hairdryer, make sure that your cat is comfortable with it
  • Instill the habit of bathing in cats from a younger age so that they can get accustomed to it as they get older
  • Avoid chasing your cat while bathing as that may startle and frighten them more
  • Tire your cat out by playing with them before the shower so that they don’t fidget and move around too much
  • Hold the cat gently by the scruff on the back of their neck as you lower them into the water
  • Keep the bathroom door shut and keep the cat contained in that area only
  • Remember to regularly brush your cat as that removes most of the dirt on them, which will thus reduce the need for frequent washes

How to Wash a Cat without Cat Shampoo

If you don’t have cat shampoo on you, but your cat is in serious need of deep cleaning, there are some alternatives you can consider. You can use baby shampoo, cat soap, or just give them a quick shower without any shampoo or soap.

When doing any of these, you can follow the same steps on how to wash an aggressive cat. Start with heating the water, rinsing the cat, adding the shampoo, or skip it, and then rinse again. After this, you should thoroughly dry your cat.

We don’t recommend that you use any human products, such as shower gels, shampoos, or soaps on your cats because they can be too drying and irritating for their skin.

Cats have a different pH level than humans, which is why specific shampoos designed for them are preferred to be used. Otherwise, human products can lead to bald spots, skin allergies, and loss of fur.

Alternatively, you can also make a homemade shampoo for your cats if you run out of the actual product. Mix two cups of warm water, half a cup of apple cider vinegar, and one-quarter of liquid dishwashing soap altogether. Mix them in a bottle until the mixture forms bubbles, after which you’re good to go.

Lastly, you can also give your cat a dry bath, which is something that many groomers recommend to owners opt who want to know how to bathe a cat that hates water.

A dry bath is an excellent option for the winters as the cats will not catch a cold. It is less messy and costly as well.  A dry bath can include using specific cat wipes or wet wipes to clean them or cat bathing powder or foam.

To use cat bathing powder, you simply need to apply it to their fur and brush it out thoroughly. This will eliminate the excess powder from their fur and leave it clean, fresh, and smelling great.

However, this can be messy compared to other methods of dry baths. Cat foam is water-less or dry cat shampoo that you can use without the need of rinsing or washing your cat when you want to clean them.

To use cat foam, you will need to distribute it on your cat’s fur evenly. Additionally, follow the instructions give on the cat foam box. Massage the foam into the cat’s fur for a few minutes and then remove the excess using a grooming brush or comb.

It is essential to choose a nontoxic and completely safe product when you are searching for an alternative to cat shampoo. Consult your groomer or vet, who can give you recommendations on safe options you can consider.

Doing so will help avoid any problems or complications in your cat’s health, fur, and skin.

How to Clean Cat with Cat Wipes

If you don’t want to use water on your cat, there are other alternatives you can consider to clean them. In such cases, you can get cat wipes to clean them.

They tend to have a very lovely smell that stays in your cat’s fur and keeps them fresh and clean. You can find them anywhere at large supermarkets or at the vet. Depending on the size of the cat, you will need a few wipes for cleaning.

To clean your cat with cat wipes, you will need to approach them when they are calm and not in an agitated or irritated mood. Start by petting your cat with your hands, and then replace the petting motion with a wipe so that your cat is not startled.

Then, with the same motion, gently rub the cat with the wipe. After this, you can speed up the wiping motion to thoroughly clean your cat’s fur. Don’t forget to wipe your cat’s face, ears, and paws with the wipe to clean them.

Alternatively, if you don’t have cat wipes, you can also simply use wet wipes or a washcloth to clean them using the same method.

FAQ About Bathing Cats

Now that you know about everything relating to bathing cats, here are some common questions that cat owners have that might be helpful.

1. What Kind of Soap to Wash a Cat?

As we mentioned earlier, it is not a good idea to use soaps on cats that are made for humans due to the different pH levels. Instead, opt for a soap made specifically for cats.

If you don’t have that, there are some of the safe soap options you can use to wash your cat, such as Dawn dish soap and detergent, which are not too harsh on the cat’s skin.

You can also use castile soap as that as is pretty much safe since they are made from natural ingredients. You can buy castile soap on Amazon if you are in the United States.     

2. How Often Should You Wash Your Indoor Cat?

This is another common question that many cat owners have. Since cats are normally hygienic and self-grooming animals, you don’t regularly need to clean them yourselves.

This is especially true for indoor cats that are not exposed to as much dirt and parasites as outdoor cats. A helpful rule of thumb is to wash them every 4-6 weeks. However, this can vary depending on several factors, which include the following:

  • Coat length of the cat
  • Breed and type of cat
  • How active the cat is; the more active, the more frequent cleaning needs to be
  • If they have any health issues, such as skin problems, fleas, or ticks

3. Can I Use Dog Shampoo To Wash My Cat?

Dog shampoos are designed specifically for the fur and skin of dogs, which is why it is not recommended to be used for cats.

There are chances that such shampoos might contain ingredients that are harmful to your feline pet, so it is better to err on the side of caution.

4. What Are the Alternatives to Bathing Cats?

Cleaning your cat is a necessary task that all cat owners need to do. However, since the majority of the feline population absolutely hates bathing and can get fussy and violent, you can consider other options to clean them that do not require bathing.

For example, you can use cat wipes, specific cat powders for cleaning them, dry cat shampoos, or a washcloth. Additionally, you can also take your cat to the vet or groomer, who can bathe your cat for you.

5. How to Prevent the Need for Bathing Cats Frequently?

We understand how challenging the process of bathing your cat can be for both you and your pet. You can minimize the need to bath them as frequently by brushing them every day.

This will not just untie all the knots, reduce hairballs and hair fall but also keep them clean. In general, cats don’t need to be bathed as often since they clean themselves. Brushing their fur will also remove any dirt, reducing the need even more.

Final Words

This brings us to the end of our comprehensive guide on how to bathe an aggressive cat. Most cats do not enjoy taking baths, and some might get especially angry and aggressive during the process.

This is why it is important to make the experience for them as smooth and quick as you can. By being equipped with all the right tools beforehand and having a pair of helping hands, you can make the bathing process easier for both you and your feline friend.

Remember to use a specific cat shampoo, but you can consider making a homemade mix or wipes if you don’t have that on hand.