Dealing with an Overly Hyper Cat? Here is How to Calm a Hyper or Scared Cat

If you are wondering how to calm a cat down or why your cat is so hyper all the time, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn about the signs of cat aggression.

Cats are great partners and can help those suffering from anxiety and depression. They can give you some purpose in life and make you feel alive. However, just like other animals, cats also get stressed, hyper, and scared.

how to calm a scared cat?

At first, you may not understand why your cat is acting the way it is, but you must keep your cat’s triggers in mind. Unprovoked aggression is a common trait in cats, as well as nighttime fear and hyperactivity during the day.

Do not be alarmed by this- all cats will show aggression at some point in their lives. The key is to understand how to treat your cat when it is acting this way.

In this article, you will learn how to calm a cat down and tricks to calm down a hyper cat at night. We will also teach you why your cat is so hyper of all of a sudden and how to help a scared cat.

Understanding Cat Aggression

To identify times when your cat is being aggressive, you must first notice its body language when it is normal and playful. This helps cat parents accurately understand what their cat is feeling and pushes them towards what they should do to calm the cat down.

Moreover, once cat parents understand their cat’s trigger, they can respond appropriately to the cat’s behavior problems. When communicating with people, cats use their ears, voice, tail, and eyes.

The more you understand your cat, the higher the chances of you understanding whether it is being aggressive because it wants food, love, affection, or playtime.

Keep in mind that some cats are generally hyper. They always do crazy things like climbing on top of cupboards, running down the stairs in the middle of the night, launching their stuffed toys in the air, and growling playfully.

These behavior patterns should not be mistaken as aggressive- this is just your cat being hyper and energetic.

Signs of Cat Aggression

  • Stiff posture
  • Open mouth with teeth showing
  • Growling
  • Hissing loudly
  • Biting (not playfully)
  • Exposed claws
  • Swatting

If you find that your cat is being aggressive with you out of the blue, you should first pay a quick visit to the veterinarian to check for any medical condition.

Once you find out that your cat is healthy, you can then move on the identifying the trigger that is making your cat aggressive or mischievous.

Why is My Cat so Hyper All of a Sudden?

Cat aggression is not uncommon. A common behavioral issue with most cats is violence, hostility, and aggression. This is mostly a tactic to intimate other pets or dominates their owners.

Aggression can be caused due to the age of the cat- kittens under the age of two are known to be aggressive- or because the cat has not been socialized properly. A cat who has spent its early years isolated will often show signs of aggression.

Moreover, cats who have just become mothers have a strong maternal instinct, so it is common for them to be aggressive towards anyone who comes close to their babies.

1. Are they Playing or Are they Showing Aggression?

We all know that cats love a bit of playtime. It is their favorite pastime, and they can never get tired of fooling around. However, sometimes, playing can lead to aggressive behavior. This is common with kittens who do not know what their boundaries and limits are.

If a kitten swats or bites its siblings too hard, other siblings or the mother will soon teach it its lesson. When a cat is about to get aggressive during playtime, it will often flatten its ears and shake its rears.

Moreover, its pupils will dilate. This shows that you need to be alert and careful so that you can reprimand your kitty.

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2. What is Inter-Cat Hostility?

Inter-cat hostility is a kind of aggression that cats show towards one another. It may be a sign that cohabitation is becoming an increasing problem for your pets.

Two cats may not have compatible temperaments, which may lead to territorial fights. Moreover, if there is not enough space in your house, cats may get bothered by overcrowding.

Furthermore, if you notice that two cats who would always get along at first are suddenly fighting, it could be because one cat has been out of the house. This includes vet visits or if one cat mated with an outsider cat.

3. Why Do Cats Become Hostile When they are Scared?

When intimidated, it is common for cats to step into attack mode. This could also be when they are triggered or provoked by their owners or other pets.

You may notice that your cat is completely normal around you and may show you a significant amount of love, but the minute a stranger tries to pet it, it will start growling.

Cats can also scratch up a puppy trying to cuddle with it on the couch or hit a child trying to hold its tail. If anyone tries to invade their space or cats feel like they are going to be harmed, they will start being violent.

how to help a scared cat?

How to Calm a Cat Down?

Once you figure out the trigger behind your cat’s aggression, you can learn how to calm it down. Sometimes, the cat acts out temporarily when it is feeling moody or threatened, such as maternal aggression.

These outbursts can easily be managed since you know why the cat is behaving a certain way. In this case, all you have to do is keep your distance from the mama cat and give her space.

Play Aggression

Moreover, common feline aggressive behavior is play aggression. If you find that your cat is suddenly being too hyper during playtime, you should try preventing this and finding ways to calm your cat down.

However, do not start acting complacent by allowing your cat to bite you with its jaws or claw you with its nail. By doing this, you will only be allowing combative behavior.

It is best to teach cats their limits when they first show signs of aggression so that they do not harm other members of the family.

If Your Cat Chooses to Play Rough

If you find that your cat naturally chooses rather rough activities, try to channel its aggression towards a stuffed toy. Even though stuffed toys are more popular with dogs, they are great for cats to take their aggression out on as well.

This is because stuffed toys are made of firmer materials than other cat toys, which means that they will not fall apart after a slight scratch or bite.

When to Separate Two Cats

why is my cat so hyper all of a sudden?

Once a domain has been established, the cat will try to communicate to other animals and surrounding people that they alone are the boss. In case you decide to get another cat and notice that one of the cats is being aggressive with the other, you should not allow them to cohabitate.

It is best to separate their litter box, as well as their eating time and living environment. Try to get both of the cats to know each other slowly so that neither gets overwhelmed or intimidated by the other.

Dealing with Two Cats Fighting with Each Other

Keep in mind that if a cat is being overly aggressive, it is best to leave it alone. Do not try to calm it down at the moment; otherwise, your cat may end up attacking you. If two of your pet cats are fighting with each other, try making a loud, small noise.

You could also create a distraction so that they break away from their fight. If your cat is being aggressive but looks scared, it is best not to intervene, even if you feel like petting it.

However, it may see this as a threat and attack you. Hence, do not touch your cat until it is ready to be consoled.

Reward and Punishment

A common joke is that cats train their owners rather than the other way round. If you find your cat being aggressive, do not punish it, as this will only lead to your cat being scared of you.

Moreover, your cat may think that you are only playing with it, making it show more signs of aggression.

The best thing to do when a cat is being aggressive is to walk away or stop giving it attention. This will help the cat understand that if it does not behave properly, playtime will be over. Remember to always reward good behavior.

How to Calm a Stray Cat Down

If you are trying to adopt a stray cat and notice that it is acting aggressive or scared, cut it some slack. It may be dealing with stressful situations at the shelter it is at or may not trust you.

Sometimes, cats show symptoms of anxiety that can be misinterpreted as signs of aggression.

Here are some ways to calm a stray cat down:

1. Help it Relax

When a cat is stressed, all it needs is a breather. You can help it catch its breath by:

  • Giving it some time and space.
  • Guiding it to a quieter spot with no one around. You can also take it to a bathroom if this stray cat has entered your home. At a shelter, use the cat den to help it calm down. This will allow the cat to hide in its cage for a while. However, keep the cage off the floor so that the cat can view its surroundings in peace.
  • Setting a routine for the cat to help it adapt. Cats need predictability. If it knows when it is going to be fed, when playtime is, and when to sleep at night, it will be able to relax.
  • When cleaning the cat’s cage, we would recommend that you spot-clean it. This is so that you can leave its scent inside. Remember, cats use smell to mark their territories. Moreover, this will help curb the cat’s anxieties aboutleaving its cage when you need to clean it.
  • Making sure to get rid of another cat’s scent before you touch a stray cat.
  • If you find that a cat does not react well around someone, allow it to minimize interaction. It could be holding a grudge.

2. Build its Confidence

Allow a cat to feel like it has control over its surroundings. This will help build its confidence and help it adapt better.

Here is how you can do this:

  • Always allow a cat to approach you first. If it seems scared but still interested, keep some food in your palm and offer it to it. Use this food to lure the cat towards you. As it gets comfortable, it will start to cuddle with you.
  • Cats enjoy having a choice when it comes to playtime. Give it an option to play in its cage or outside with stuffed toys. Let it choose whatever it wants depending on its mood.
  • Once the cat has calmed down, take it out of the quiet. Allow it to come out of the room and have a look at her surroundings.
  • Place the cat on a high surface, table, or cupboard so that it can view its surroundings without feeling scared.
  • Do not use the scruff to handle the cat.
  • Use toy mice inside the cage so that the cat can exhibit all its aggression without harming you or other pets around the house.

3. Challenge it from Time to Time

To figure out whether a stray cat has ever been socialized, try to interact with it. It is your responsibility to make the cat feel comfortable in your presence. The more it trusts you, the less aggression it will show.

how to calm down a hyper cat at night?
  • Do not always let the cat be alone. If it likes playing a one-sided sport, let it. However, make sure to intervene a couple of times a day so that the cat learns to interact with you as well.
  • Young stray cats may not know how to clean themselves. They may be too shy or too scared. Encourage grooming by using your hand on the cat’s body.
  • Do not try sudden movements or use a loud voice. Instead, keep your voice low and kind so that the cat calms down.
  • Fear should never be mistaken as aggression. If a stray cat is hissing, remember that it is only trying to warn you. This does not mean that it is about to attack. The same rule applies to growling.
  • These are symptoms of anxiety and aggression. If you manage to calm the cat down before it tries something, you do not have to worry about getting hurt.


Sometimes, cats may act aggressive and hyper when they are sick. They may not know what they are feeling or why their body is reacting the way it is, which is why they start to exhibit extraordinary behavior patterns.

During this time, try to be gentle with your cat. Even if you receive a few scratches on your arm, remember that your cat is going through a hard time.

It is best to consult a vet as soon as possible so that you can rule out any serious disease. Moreover, even though you may always want to pet your cat and cuddle with it, remember to give it some space from time to time.

Even though cats are loving creatures, they like to be left alone from time to time so that they can gather their thoughts and view their surroundings. 

Never mistreat a cat, and never raise your hand on it regardless of how aggressive or annoying it is acting. Cats are known to hold grudges against those who misbehave with it. Hence, if a cat starts disliking you, you may never find your way into its good books. Be careful and be loving at all times!

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